Saturday, March 14, 2015

Final Post! Georgette KAL


Using the US#3, 32” circular needle, pick up 1 stitch for every row up the right front, 1 stitch for every stitch around the neck edge and 1 stitch for every row down the left front.  
Work in K1, P1, ribbing for 10 rows. 
On the 11th row, (RS), approximately 2 stitches before the 4th(4th, 5th, 5th, 6th, 6th, 7th) garter ridge from the bottom edge of the body, bind off next 4 stitches in pattern. Work to approximately 2 stitches before 5th(5th, 6th, 6th, 7th, 7th, 8th) garter ridge from the bottom edge of the body. BO next 4 stitches in pattern.  Note: the garter ridges are in the lace pattern and are in the body of the sweater. They are mentioned to help place the buttonholes. 
On the 12th row, (WS), work in K1, P1, ribbing until you reach the first set of boundoff stitches, CO 4 stitches using the cable cast-on-method. Work to second set of bound-off stitches, CO 4 stitches using cable-cast-on method.  Work 8 more rows in K1, P1, ribbing. BO loosely in pattern.  
Finishing:  Sew on buttons. Block to measurements. Enjoy!

And a final comment from Cathi...
I do hope you have enjoyed this Knit a Long!  Since I have gotten only a couple of questions in the past three weeks I am under the assumption that you have found this pattern easy to follow and you are just sailing along!  Good for you!
I do hope to see some of your finished or WIP's  on our FB's always fun to see the end results!

As always, it has been my pleasure.  Happy Spring and Happy Knitting!
Final questions and comments can be directed to me at

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